A 6 months programme stress-eaters and drinker who are struggling to feel calm and in control around food, drink and their body who have ‘tried everything’ over the last 10+ years and RE ready to finally be free from the guilt and shame of compulsive behaviours and obsessive thoughts for good.
This programme begins with weekly coaching calls for the first 2 months then bi-weekly as you gain confidence and trust in yourself and ability to change your health for life.
We start with a whole day together to review & gain awareness of exactly where you are in terms of your current habits and health and what are the biggest obstacles to you getting the results you want via some simple questionnaires.
Next we work on keeping you accountable and renewing your connection to your body in practical ways, including movement and learning to listen to what it is telling you so that you begin to trust yourself and your decisions.
Then we work on rehabilitating your gut function, blood sugar and hormone balance so that you lose the cravings, begin to feel more energetic and positive.
At this point we redesign your daily routines, so you feel less stressed, calmer and in control again.
Once you are more confident and trusting of yourself we start to re-programme your language, stories and beliefs so that you can stop history repeating itself and we help you let go of the triggers that were keeping you stuck in sabotage.
Finally, as you begin to master your new way of living you get to refine your identity and values so that you can design your future with infinite freedom.
Masterclass ‘Nourish not Punish’so you get absolute clarity on the behaviours that you didn’t
even know were making it so hard for you to get freedom and it lays out exactly
what nourishment really is.
The Healthy Eating Handbook that busts myths and makes eating more simple and doable.
Daily check-ins and access to me via WhatsApp.
use the link below to pick a day and time that works for you.