Helping you to break-free from habits and patterns that negatively affect your health and wellbeing by uncovering root cause rather than trying to 'manage' or 'fix' symptoms so that you live your life free from the daily obsession and compulsion keep doing what you've always done to reward, numb-out, soothe and cope with your feelings and the stress of your daily routine.
My mission is help you understand YOU in a way you never have before, and to embrace ALL that you are, instead of you feeling you have to be MORE than you are.
I do that through my 6 step Method based on principles, science, psychology and personal experience.
You can read my story below if you want to know more about me and why I do what I do now....
My story will give you an understanding of my personal experience, the most important takeaway is that "I GET IT". The belief you should be able to 'sort yourself out', the hopelessness of trying to do just that, and it not working out, the frustration and fear that you'll NEVER live the life you really want and deserve.
I am a qualified experienced Integrative Health, Nutrition and life coach and a fully certified Eating Freely™ Therapist
As a coach consultant and mentor I don't have to stick one modality, I can pull from my vast tool kit.
From conventional tools like NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to Reiki, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Essential oils and Breath work, Vagal tone and Nutritional therapy.
I have the tools and understanding to help you create the life you want with a renewed sense of freedom, confidence, energy and joy!
It starts with YOU getting honest with yourself.
Step 1: Own your struggles, your unhappiness, exhaustion and sense of disappointment, frustration, guilt and shame and admitting you actually can't 'sort it' for yourself.
Step 2: Give yourself permission to seek help and allow yourself to invest in the support and care you need from someone who knows exactly how you feel and can help you get the results you want but haven't been able to get - yet!
Step 3: Commit to getting curious about what's possible for you by taking the next step to great health, happiness, joy and freedom which is... to book in for a CALL to see if I am the person to help you!
A workaholic, perfectionist Dad and a Mum with mental health issues meant ig appetite who loved pretending to be a ballerina, but I soon realised I didn't 'have the body' for that -but wished I had!
A workaholic, perfectionist Dad and a Mum with mental health issues mean't I learned to turn to food from a young age.
Plus excessive exercise that led me into a daily way of living and functioning that lasted for over 3 decades, throw in lots of alcohol and leaving home to live in flat where I could to maintain an unhealthy low weight without hiding it, I thought I had it all sorted!
Age 21 unhappily married I became an exercise instructor and PT, moved in with husband #2 and spent years running a bar and my own fitness business living on coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, binge eating and throwing up in secret all the while maintaining the facade of being a role model for health and fitness...
Divorced bankcrupt and now a single Mum, potental husband #3 finds me living in London where I'm hoping for a new start, but simply wind up feeling alone and isolated. My drinking escalates to a whole new level, the relationship fails (surprise, surprise) I move out. Alone again as a single Mum with responsibilities and fully dependant on alcohol to function, I realise just don't want to be here on the planet anymore...
A series of events on May Bank holiday weekened 2005 finds me in 'rehab' for 3 month where I embrace the opportunity to build an new identity and a new life!
I go to university for the first time at age 35, graduate as a teacher, study addiction psychology, qualify in Hypnosis, NLP & CBT and more while building my fitness and coaching business and throwing myself into being the best parent I can be...
I realise I need to go much deeper into nutritional therapy, biochemistry, neuropsychophysiology and REALLY understand the root cause of my issues so I can help more people with theirs, meaning many more hours of training, study and getting qualifications.
Stress, family losses and the discovery that my past addictions have serious health consequences, in my case two autoimmune issues and other issues, I have a heart attack in 2018...
And that is when I vowed to make it my purpose to help people to learn how to handle their emotions, stress, anxiety and depression without relying on conventional medications, over the counter drugs or self-medicating with food and drink using the principles of the A.R.T. of change and the 6 R's of infinite freedom.
I still run my fitness business because I love it! But my main focus is on coaching consulting and mentoring people to take responsibility for their own health and lifestyle via a whole body approach based on science and lived experienced, in a way that is simple and sustainable for life!
If my story has resonated with you in any way and you'd like to talk about what is going on for you, click the link below and book a day and time that suits your schedule for a chat.